NBA Game Ready

Displays all live, upcoming, and previous NBA games. Other features are live and previous scores, in app live twitter
feed , and favorite teams saved in a format that's quick and easy to read.


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Specs
  3. Wireframes
  4. Networking
  5. Architecture
  6. Responsibilities
  7. Video Walkthrough
  8. Website


App Evaluation

  • Category: Sports
  • Mobile: This app would be primarily developed for mobile. Functionality wouldn't be limited to mobile devices, however mobile version could potentially have more features.
  • Story: Pulls all NBA game information to display in a list on the main screen.
  • Market: Ages 4+
  • Habit: This app could be used as often as needed during the NBA season.
  • Scope: First, we are displaying live game updates along with the television networks for televised games. Eventually the app could evolve to displaying team and player stats from a user search.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories
  • User launches app to see a list of all NBA games for the current day.
  • User sees live updates on scores for each game.
  • User can click on a game and go to website to purchase tickets.
  • User can add team to their favorites list.
  • User can click on a game and go to website to purchase tickets.
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
  • User clicks on a game listed and can see team and player stats.
  • User can see if they are close to a stadium in map view.
  • User wants to know which games are televised and what channels those games are on.
  • User clicks on the network of the televised games and is taken to the network website.
  • User can set reminders and notifications for games.
  • User can get notified any time their favorite teams are playing.
  • User has an option to create an account and profile to have quick access to favorites, saved games, and setup notifications.
  • User has accessibility options.
  • User has accessibility options.
  • User can change text to multiple different languages.

2.Screen Archetypes

  1. Live Games Screen
    • Lists of game times, scores, and quarters.
    • Buy ticket icon/button that connects to ticketing website
  2. Yesterday Games
    • Lists of games and final scores
  3. Tomorrow Games Screen
    • Lists of game times
    • Buy ticket icon/button that connects to ticketing website
  4. Tweets Screen
    • live tweets of current games being played
  5. Favorite Teams Screen
    • lists of teams where user can check their favorite teams

3. Navigation

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen to Browser)
  • Today screen -> <- Yesterday screen -> <- Tomorrow screen -> <- Favorite Teams -> <- Tweets
  • Buy ticket button -> Opens browser to ticketing website




Base URL -
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description
GET /games/live/ Get all available games in play.
GET /games/date/ Get all games by specific date..




Name Package
Kieran Project Manager, Backend
Yunis Backend
Shikeya Frontend
Raven Backend
Claire Frontend
Sabur Frontend

First Prototypes

first prototypes

Final Prototypes

final prptotypes

NBA Game Ready App

NBA app gif